Monday, September 20, 2010

German Newspapers (Assignment for 8/20/2010)

The best thing I discovered about Germans newspapers is that they have my favorite cartoon - Dilbert - in the German language! I was not aware that Germany imported comic strips from America, so it was very cool to see that. I also discoverd that there is nudity in German newspapers, which is completely unheard of in America. In the political section there is a whole section about Afganastan, which most Americans would be surprised by, because we forget that there are German soliders in Afganastan. Given that many nations will not support America's fight in that country, it would seem important to remember the German's are supporting us, yet this fact goes unnoted. This is sad, but this kind of ignorance is not uncommon, unfortunetly. There are more differences between the styles of the newspapers, but basically, there is more similarities than differences with the American newspapers; the culture behind them is what makes them distinct.

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