Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century (11/10/10 Project)

1. EU Free Trade Inceases Profit

Whenever Germany trades with a country in the EU, they do not have to worry about being taxed, which increases the money made.

2. EU gets Germany trading with countries they may not have traded with otherwise

Some countries may still not like Germany very much, and may not want to trade with them, but free trade encourages them to continue trading with Germany.

3. The Euro stabilizes Germany's  economy

By having a currency that many countries consider to be valuable, the Euro remains stable, and therefore, stabilizes Germany's economy.
4. Promotes peace

Because Germany has historically fought wars against their neighbors, the fact that they are allied with most of them now will prevent war against them.

5. Allows Germans to easily travel from one country to another

There is no special visa needed to travel from country to country within the EU, which makes travel easy.

6. This free travel increases business

When businessmen and women can travel freely from country to country within the EU, it means meeting with people from other countries is easier, and face-to-face contact can happen more frequently.

7. When people travel out of the country, they don't have to get different currency

Because of the Euro, Germans traveling abroad within the EU can just use the same currency they were using before.

8. Keeps national pride in check

Germany can be proud of its country, but because its so reliant on other countries, it can keep their national pride in a healthy balance, because they cannot be self-sufficient.

9. Introduces Germany to more and more new ideas

With lots of people coming into their country at any given time from other countries, lots of ideas can enter into the borders from other countries freely.

10. Money coming into the country

As those many people come into the country, they bring their money, and spend it in Germany, which helps the German economy.

11. Rebuilds Germany's image

Now that Germany is a peaceful, thriving member of the EU it continues to rebuilt their image into something more positive after the World Wars.

12. Germany helps set a good example to the world by being an EU member

By being a peaceful, productive member of the EU, Germany sets a good example for the rest of the world as we continue on into the 21st century. Cooperation and commerce are what will help this world grow and thrive.